
Weighing Options to Uncover Lasting Career Satisfaction

October 23, 2019

Weighing Options to Uncover Lasting Career Satisfaction

Creative Colors International Inc. is celebrating National Evaluate Your Life Day by asking its certified leather and vinyl technicians to take time to reflect on their career opportunities for promotion and profitability.

Punching a time clock and managing daily responsibilities allows little time for many of us to take a bit of self-reflection. Yet the job market for blue-collar workers is hot, according to The Conference Board, a business membership think tank. Wages for blue-collar workers are increasing, while the pool of available workers shrinks.

Hard-working earners are in a unique position to land profitable and stable careers with a wide variety of companies. Making the right decision on a place to work can be a challenge, and potential employees should conduct thorough research before taking the job. National Evaluate Your Life Day, which is celebrated annually on October 19, is the perfect opportunity to take a close look at your goals and make sure you’re on the right path as a CCI technician.

Creative Colors International Inc. gives its certified leather and vinyl technicians the chance to build a career with a company that is in demand and has many repeat clients. The company’s high commission structure and unlimited earnings potential will fulfill your financial goals. Flexible hours and a full benefits package in many locations helps provide added incentive for success.

“The idea of getting my foot in the door at the bottom level and having the opportunity to work up from part-time positions to a full-time position and grow within the company was what really attracted me to Creative Colors,” said Kevin Kaiser, a CCI manager in South Bend, Indiana.

CCI’s training program receives top marks from technicians. The company’s technicians undergo extensive training and receive ongoing support. CCI is a leader in mobile leather, fabric and vinyl repair and its three-week training program offers a step-by-step guide for technicians to follow. “The training is first-rate,” said Chris Shefts, CCI technician from Mokena, Illinois. “I felt like I was actually being equipped to go out and do this.”

When employees step back and evaluate their lives, bank accounts aren’t the only factor they should consider. Seventy-seven percent of Americans report experiencing symptoms of stress, according to The American Institute of Stress, a nonprofit specializing in science-based stress management information. The two top causes of stress are job pressure and money concerns. Chronic stress can lead to health problems, including insomnia, depression and headaches.

Providing work-life balance is one of the hallmarks of CCI’s business. The company’s original founders, JoAnn and Jim Foster, started the leather and vinyl repair business together, and their children run the business today. The company strives to provide family-friendly customer service and most of its franchise owners turn to CCI because they are interested in finding an improved work-life balance. The opportunity to build your own schedule and step away from a 9 to 5 role helps reduce stress and increases flexibility.

Being a CCI technician keeps workers inspired by offering a mobile role with a different view each day, said Patrick German, a CCI franchisee in Florida. “There’s no two days that are the same. Our technicians are always in different locations each day and learning something new all the time. It’s really creative work,” he added.

Take time to evaluate your career path and learn more about how CCI helps its employees achieve their career goals by offering flexible schedules and room for growth, here — www.wecanfixthat.com.